In a world with increasingly complex problems, collaboration is essential. PARK+ was LandLAB’s winning entry into the Ponsonby Park design competition held in late 2017. This project pilots a new model for community led engagement, a design led process and interdisciplinary collaboration beyond a 'business as usual' consultation process.
Ponsonby is a place of continuous transformation, re-inventing and re-discovering itself through its rich layers of natural, cultural and social history. Our aspiration is for 254 Ponsonby Road to contribute to this dynamic and on-going re-invention. Ponsonby is inclusive, PARK+ will reflect contemporary values of democracy, inclusiveness and sustainability through a simple, but rich, sequence of interwoven internal and external public spaces. Ponsonby needs a dynamic new public space, not just a green one, that is strategically located and equipped to simultaneously compliment and counter-balance the street and to emerge overtime via a choreographed program of intervention, occupation and event.
Ponsonby Plaza weaves together the street (urban) and park (green) to re-program the site through the fluid interaction of open space, architecture, community and place. The plaza embodies Ponsonby through innovative remediation, storm water filtration/re-use, sustainable energy generation, rich materiality, design excellence and creative place making that demonstrates best practice in environmental, cultural and social sustainability.
Our vision is to sensitively and adaptively re-use 254 Ponsonby Road’s existing structures and features to create a unique, hybrid open space and destination that captures the urbanity, spirit and sense of place of Ponsonby.
2017 - Current
254 Ponsonby Road, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Auckland Council
BECA (Civil/Structural/Lighting)
Mana whenua
NZILA Award of Excellence in Unbuilt Visionary (2019)
World Architecture News (WAN) Future Projects: Civic Award Winner (2018)
World Architecture Festival (WAF) Civic Future Project Award Finalist (2018)