Putahi Whakatetonga - South Frame Public Realm

Bustling pedestrian space in Christchurch's shopping and restaurant precinct

LandLAB are pleased to have won the Civic + Urban Design Category at the 2024 New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Awards.

The jury said…‘Putahi Whakatetonga is a transformative urban regeneration project. Seven city blocks have been transformed into a vibrant mixed-use precinct. The project delivers an authentic, contemporary, and distinctly urban precinct that combines innovative ecologies, landscape architecture and urbanism to reveal its past, provide a catalyst for its future, and seed a new creative mixed-use community.’

Client: Rau Paenga., Collaborators: Jasmax + Mana whenua (Matapopore/Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga) with AECOM + Aurecon.


Tauranga Moana Waterfront - Stage 001


LandLAB Melbourne studio opening